Thursday, May 11, 2017


The Force cannot be described
That which is everywhere cannot have a name
Just look within.

Look within without desire to see it.
Look within with desire you will only see things.

Things and Light have the same source
They become different just in name.
Always within you
A mysterious door to the universe

We should be without desire,

>>> Next Chapter >>>

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


You must know whats ugly 
to see beauty

Begin and not begin 
create each other

That is why the master acts
without actions and
Teach without words.

Everything arise naturally,
things grow; but nobody claims them.

Works gets done but the Master 
does not stop to contemplate it.

That is why the Power never ends.

>>> Next Chapter >>>

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


People go thru life
Accumulating things
Then Death takes it all

The Master travels
Without knowledge or desires
He is on his way

But no one can see it.

Monday, May 8, 2017


The Force is like a well
It is eternal and infinite but it’s nothing.
You can't find it and it's ever present.

It is the essence of all things.
No one can comprehend its origin.

It’s older than God.


The Force is not good
The Force is not bad

The Master handles
everyone with reverence
and then forgets them

To talk about the Tao
will only get you tired

Take care of your spirit and 
keep it free.


Sunday, May 7, 2017


The spirit of the stars never dies;
Its a female force,
That gives birth to infinite worlds.

Your true essence is the Force
Always present within you
it will never end. 

Rely on the Force,
And life will be effortless.

Saturday, May 6, 2017


The Sky is old
and also the stars.

The reason for this
is that they do not live 
for themselves.

The Master puts himself last
But ends up at the pilot seat

He does not differentiate himself from
Other beings

Thus at one with all

Friday, May 5, 2017


The Force is like water
It benefits all
without effort
It occupies the lowest places
that people disdain

The excellence of mind
resides in its silence,
The excellence of 
resides of being surrounded 
by virtuous people,
The excellence of a
movement resides 
on its timing.

When you are content to be simply yourself
And don't compare or compete,
Everyone will cherish you.

When you follow the Force,
no mistake can be made.

Thursday, May 4, 2017


It is better to carry an empty bag 
than a full one

The spacecraft won't start
if you're always tinkering with it.

If you hoard wealth,
No one can guard it.

When a task is complete,
And his name known,
The Master walks away 
to obscurity.

Change is the

way of the Force.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Are you able to know nothing?
When you clean your inner mirror
Defects disappear.

Loving or ruling
Can you keep yourself 
in non-action?

Can you be the captain
and not try to prove you're in charge?
Can you forget what you know
and remove your concepts?

The Force brings forth and nurtures everything
It produces everything
but does not claim it as its own
Rules everybody with out 

This is the Virtue of the Master.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


A spacecraft has walls,
But we travel in the space inside

A bowl is made out of clay,
But we use its empty space.

Nothingness is

In your heart,
A Million Suns

Monday, May 1, 2017


If you look directly at the suns
You go blind.
Things that are hard to get
Make slaves of their owners.
Too much Thoughts depress the mind.
Too much Desire deteriorate the heart.

See that within you is the universe
And leave off wanting more.

Therefore the Master takes care of her belly,
not of her insatiable eyes.